
Save the Date: Butterfly Memorial Event 2024

2024 Butterfly Memorial Event to be held on Sunday, June 9 at 3 p.m. at Beechwood Cemeteries.

Join us for a meaningful afternoon as we come together in community to remember our special person.

The event begins with a indoor remembrance ceremony to honour our person. It includes live music, a guest speaker and slideshow photo tribute.

Then, we move outside to the beautiful Beechwood gardens to release our own live butterfly in their memory.

Light refreshments to follow.

Our guest speaker is Julia Sneyd. Julia is a former elementary and adult educator and a community activist. She has two adult sons and was married to the late Paul Dewar, educator and NDP Member of Parliament for Ottawa Center. Paul was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in 2018 and died a year later. Julia was pivotal in his public ‘living through dying’ and continues to reflect and share that experience with the community. She is a volunteer with Compassionate Ottawa and Youth Action Now. Over the last five years, she has ridden the waves of grief alone and with the support of others, including her BFO group. Julia remains grateful for the lessons she has learned about trust, living in the moment and community support.


Save the date! Walk to Remember 2024

This year, our Walk to Remember event will be held on Sunday September 29 at 3 pm at the Beechwood Cemetery. 
Join us for a peaceful walk through the beautiful Beechwood gardens and for rock painting to commemorate our loved ones.

Registration information to come.

Walk to Remember 2022

Candlelight Remembrance Ceremony 2024

The 2024 Candlelight Remembrance Ceremony event date will be announced soon.
Join us at the beautiful and peaceful Beechwood Cemetery to remember and honor our loved ones.

Butterfly Puzzle Fundraiser - $30.00

This puzzle was created exclusively for BFO Ottawa. The puzzle has 1000 pieces and there are 33 global species of butterflies that represent Hope and Transformation.  To purchase a puzzle and make arrangements for pickup in various parts of the city, please contact Micheline Lepage at or call (613) 791-1261

Purchase can be made by e-transfer to the email, or via the secure website Canada Helps by credit card.

A puzzle box cover about butterflies